1 inch Pressure Activated High-Speed Nozzle with spout ring. Mainly used with high flow truck and fleet fueling applications. Black Handwarmer. Nozzle compatible up to B5 (5% Biodiesel), Fuel Oil and Kerosene.
- Prevents Gasoline and/or diesel spills in prepay or card-lock systems utilizing No-Flow Device. The Nozzles cannot be opened until the pumping system is pressurized and close automatically when the pressure is removed.
- prevents consumer from jamming the nozzle in an open position – Blocker on lever guard.
- Compatible to -54 C
- Sycle-tested and proven to last longer than 1 million cycles – Better than any other nozzle available on the market today.
- New hold-open clip spring lasts longer than previous designs.
- Easy use